Endowed Chairs, Professorships and Fellowships
Funded by donor generosity, endowed chairs, professorships, and fellowships, allow the University to recruit the most talented teacher-scholars to Richmond, retain our existing outstanding faculty members, and invest in innovative pedagogical approaches.
Samuel Chiles Mitchell-Jacob Billikopf Professor in History: Lisa Summers
Roger Francis & Mary Saunders Richardson Chair in Mathematics: William Ross
Jabez A. Bostwick Chair of English: Bertram Ashe
Richmond Professor: Geoffrey Goddu
William Judson Gaines Chair of Modern Foreign Languages: Thomas Bonfiglio and Sharon Feldman
Tucker-Boatwright Professor of Art and Art History: Tanja Softic
Floyd D. and Elisabeth S. Gottwald Chair in Chemistry: Carol Parish and Mike Leopold
Clarence E. Denoon Jr. Chair in the Natural Sciences: Kelling Donald
Tyler and Alice Haynes Professor in American Studies: Laura Browder
George and Sallie Cutchin Camp Professor of Bible: Lia Cobb
The Weinstein Chair in International Studies: Sandra Joireman
MacEldin Trawick Professor in Psychology: Cindy Bukach and Kelly Lambert
Cornerstones Chair in History: Pippa Holloway
Irving May Chair of Human Relations: Matthew Oware
Coston Family Fellow in Molecular Biology: Laura Runyen-Janecky
William E. Cooper Distinguished University Chair: Kathryn Jacobsen
CSX Chair in Management and Accounting: Marshall Geiger
F. Carlyle Tiller Chair in Business: Monika Kukar-Kinney
Robert E. Rigsby Fellow in Economics: Dean Croushore
David Meade White Jr. Chair in Business: Douglas Bosse
Joseph A. Jennings Chair in Business: Shakun Mago and Jonathan Whitaker
E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Professor in Business: Violet Ho and KimMarie McGoldrick
Coston Family Chair in Leadership & Ethics: Terry Price
E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Professor in Leadership Studies: Sandra Peart and David Wilkins
Col. Leo K & Gaylee Thorsness Endowed Chair in Ethical Leadership: Crystal Hoyt
George Matthews & Virginia Brinkley Modlin Chair in Leadership Studies: Peter Kaufman
Richard L. Morrill Chair in Ethics & Democratic Values: Jessica Flanigan
Williams Chair in Law: Carl Tobias
Austin E. Owen Research Scholar: Kristen Osenga
Dennis I. Belcher Professor of Law: Chris Cotropia
George E. Allen Chair in Law: David Epstein
E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Chair in Law: Kurt Lash
Tucker-Boatwright Professor in the Humanities: Edward Ayers and Elizabeth Outka
Nancy Litchfield Hicks Law Professor: Jessica Erickson
Robert Edward and Lena Frazer Loving Chair of Physics: Gerard Gilfoyle
S.D. Roberts and Sandra Moore Professor of Law: Corinna Barrett Lain
W. David Robbins Chair in Strategic Management: Jeffrey S. Harrison
Carole M. Weinstein Chair of International Education: Martha Merritt
E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Chair in the Liberal Arts: Ted Bunn
Sesquicentennial Professor of Law: James Gibson
The Patricia A. and George W. Wellde, Jr. Distinguished Chair in Finance: Art Durnev and Michel Robe
Weinstein-Rosenthal Chair of Jewish Studies: Rhiannon Graybill
Stephanie Bennett-Smith Chair in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Julietta Singh
Robert Edwin Gaines Chair in Mathematics: Della Dumbaugh
William Binford Vest Chair in History: James Broomall
E. Claiborne Robins Chair in the Liberal Arts - Lauren Tilton
Clarence E. Denoon Jr. Chair in the Natural Sciences - Chiles Wade Downey