Technology Learning

Technology Learning at the Weinstein Learning Center supports the creation and use of multimedia in teaching and learning with an emphasis on course-related digital media projects. Open to all current students and faculty, we provide software, equipment, and support for the production of sound, video, graphics, websites, AR/VR, and 3D objects. Our student staff members are available to work individually with students through consultations and tutorials to create a plan that ensures the experience and knowledge necessary to succeed.

Poster Printing for A&S Student Symposium
Our lab supports poster printing for the Arts and Sciences Student Symposium each spring semester. Students can make poster printing appointments in the WLC Student Portal by selecting Technology>Academic Poster Printing in the services menu. Faculty and Staff can request appointments here.

While our primary focus is curriculum support, we also provide an environment for exploration to the University of Richmond community. Technology Learning at the WLC is committed to:

  • Creating a flexible and dynamic space that ensures equal access to technology
  • Providing instruction and troubleshooting on the use of technologies
  • Supporting the design and production of academic projects
  • Exploring and promoting best practices in technology
  • Consulting with faculty members about instructional technology