Internal Grants and Funding

The Office of the Provost supports and encourages applications for a number of funds and initiatives to support faculty development, pedagogy, and curriculum change.

Curriculum and Course Transformation Grants

Curriculum and course transformation grants are available to support the development of a significantly new course or curriculum or to significantly transform an existing course. These grants support compelling proposals to introduce a new way of teaching, a new technology, or other significant change or improvement.

Curriculum and course transformation grant guidelines

Apply for a curriculum and course transformation grant.

New in Fall 2023:  Instructors may also request funding for honoraria for guest lecturers or guest performers in a course, for local trips to a museum, performance or other field trips, or for supplies for course projects. Requests for funding for co-curricular course enhancements of these types and others should be communicated to the school’s fiscal manager in the dean’s office. If the school cannot fund the request in full or the instructor is not affiliated with a school, instructors may contact Linda Boland, Associate Provost for Faculty to discuss the request.

Faculty Professional Development for Teaching

Funds are available to attend professional conferences or participate in professional development aimed at enhancing teaching. Learn more about conferences and workshops

Dining with Students

The Office of the Provost supports faculty and staff entertaining students over a meal. Learn more about dining with students